Delivering for Dublin: a political agreement for the City Council

Below is a political agreement reached in June 2024 between Dublin City Councillors from Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil, the Green Party and the Labour Party. It aims to run from 2024 until 2029. Key principles The group will provide cohesive leadership for Dublin City Council, increasing services and funding and working collaboratively with the executive …

Community Gardens

This morning I was at the Cherry Orchard Community Garden, for a talk on Planning your Winter Vegetable Growing, organised by Dublin Community Growers. I’m a terrible gardener. I put in short bursts of activity, then do nothing for weeks. But the amazing thing is, despite my neglect, things still grow. Put a seed in …

Cois Abhann Biodiversity Centre

Last year, as part of the Chapelizod Festival, Éanna Ní Lamhna brought a group on a biodiversity walk along the Liffey. It was a fascinating evening – we didn’t walk very far, because it seemed like every few steps there was something new to talk about, some insects or plants that opened up a whole …

Greening the City

On St Brigid’s Day, the Lord Mayor of Dublin held an event in the Mansion House called Nature in the City. Speakers included Professor Jane Stout from Trinity College, co-founder of the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan, Lorraine Bull, the Dublin City Council Biodiversity Officer, Hannah Hamilton, advisor to the Minister for Heritage, and Tina Roche, from Community …