I’m proud to be running for election for the Green Party. The party is full of brilliant people, all working hard to make this city, and this country, a better place to live. Our Local Election manifesto is online here.
Category Archives: Chapelizod
Dublin Inquirer Voter Guide
The excellent Dublin Inquirer newspaper have produced a voter guide for the 2024 local elections. They asked their readers to send in the questions they wanted to ask the candidates, and combined all of those questions to identify eight key issues. Those questions, and my answers, can be seen on the Dublin Inquirer site here.
Cois Abhann Biodiversity Centre
Last year, as part of the Chapelizod Festival, Éanna Ní Lamhna brought a group on a biodiversity walk along the Liffey. It was a fascinating evening – we didn’t walk very far, because it seemed like every few steps there was something new to talk about, some insects or plants that opened up a whole …