I’m proud to be running for election for the Green Party. The party is full of brilliant people, all working hard to make this city, and this country, a better place to live. Our Local Election manifesto is online here.
Category Archives: Walkinstown
Dublin Inquirer Voter Guide
The excellent Dublin Inquirer newspaper have produced a voter guide for the 2024 local elections. They asked their readers to send in the questions they wanted to ask the candidates, and combined all of those questions to identify eight key issues. Those questions, and my answers, can be seen on the Dublin Inquirer site here.
Picking litter in Walkinstown
The Make Walkinstown Great group started at the end of the pandemic, and has been picking litter regularly since then. We meet every two weeks, alternating between Bunting Road (opposite the Kestrel) and the Green Kitchen. We pick up huge amounts of plastic bottles and cans – let’s hope the deposit return scheme cuts out …
Wonderful Walkinstown
I’ve lived in Walkinstown with my family for over twenty years, but in some ways it took the pandemic to make me appreciate it properly. We have everything we need in the neighbourhood – parks, a library, and a great range of shops and cafes. Helping to organise the Wonderful Walkinstown Festival was one way …